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Fresh Thai Basil Express Update / ImportFood

In the last hour we got direct from Hawaii gorgeous fresh Thai basil. Shipping to you via Express for Friday delivery. This is ideal basil that has not been affected by rain, nice large leaves and thick stems.  Supply is limited. For around $25 you can have a bundle of this fresh basil right at your door.

Fresh Thai Basil - New Harvest

Really ideal fresh basil we just got an hour ago straight from Hawaii. 

Ideal, large leaves and fragrant aroma. Excellent quality fresh Thai basil via 2 Day Express. You get a large bundle, approximately 14 oz.

Thai basil has a unique flavor unlike traditional basil. This is "Horapa" (sweet basil).

SEE: Fresh Thai Basil

Chicken Stir-Fried with Green Curry, 'Gai Pad Khiaowan'

Summertime special spicy outdoor meal.  We prepared this quickly at a campsite using our Coleman stove! This is an example of the popular 'fried curry' style that produces a dry result. It blends equally well with rice or noodles.

SEE: Chicken Stir-Fried with Green Curry, 'Gai Pad Khiaowan'

Thai Recipe & Flat Rate Shipping Update / ImportFo...
Thai Recipes Update at ImportFood

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