By ImportFood on Saturday, 28 March 2020
Category: New Recipe

Thai Recipe Update /

Hello again and welcome back.  We've been so busy the last two weeks that our newsletter updates haven't been getting prepared.  Here's the latest -- 

We've been busy!

Here's an update on what we've been up to, and some bright news about our company and how our family is doing.  We started ImportFood at the same time we started having kids, so we are forever grateful to our customers for helping make this possible.

SEE: ImportFood Business and Family Update

Just Received - Fresh Black Peppercorn

This is another batch of very fresh, just-harvested black peppercorn, from two distinct areas with rich soil and ideal conditions.

SEE: Fresh Black Peppercorns

Feature Recipe: Black Pepper Seafood Soup

Very simple seafood soup that you can easily master tastes like what a professional chef prepares for a royal guest. Use good quality seafood and be sure to garnish with a healthy dose of fresh black peppercorn.

SEE: Black Pepper Seafood Soup