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ImportFood Thai Supermarket
Complete source of authentic Thai recipes, ingredients & cookware

Thai Satay Grill

Thai Satay Grill
Add to cart$42.00 IReg $47.50) 

Over the years we've produced over 100 Thai Street Vendor Videos, and customers occasionally ask for the unique cookware--for example our tamarind cutting board, juice cart container, and large flat wok are the result of special requests.

We got a message from Harry Soo of SlapYoDaddyBBQ, a competitive BBQ chef with 10 Grand Champion titles. He was looking for an authentic satay grill.

The most common use of this charcoal grill is satay, in Thailand you can find street vendors selling satay from this grill everywhere. Thais also use it to barbeque toast (may seem odd, but true), hot dogs, bananas, and other creative things. Cooking Tip: use charcoal sparingly, too much will burn your food. See: Satay Sauce Recipe, and Pork Satay Recipe

Our newest shipment is made of higher quality materials, a commercial grade unit built to last.  

Handmade, with angle iron on the four sides, a handle on each end, metal sides, a top grate to put the food, and a lower grate to hold the charcoal. On the front side there is a long "window" below the coals, to allow air flow up. A lower shelf catches the ash. See pictures below.

22" long, 8" tall, and 6" wide.

Made in Thailand.






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Boise, ID 83709