Thai Recipe Update / ImportFood
Hello again and Welcome back. Today we feature one of our favorite Thai Street Vendor Videos, filmed years ago before everyone had cameras to film, and this vendor cooked naturally without performing. Watch the simple basic steps and small tips to create a delicious Thai shrimp garlic stir-fry in minutes.
Thai Street Vendor: Garlic Shrimp, 'Goong Pad Gratiem'
An oldie-but-goodie from our early days of filming Thai Street Vendors. Enjoy watching the treasured Thai street vendor in action. There's no better way to learn how to cook Thai food.
Here she patiently cooks the shrimps and seasons them gently later.
Thai Golden Mountain Sauce
This delicious seasoning sauce has been enjoyed in Thailand for over 50 years. Enjoy it to improve the flavor of not only Thai-Chinese dishes but also American food too. Add a few drops to rice, soups, eggs, fish, whatever you desire we know you'll like it.
As seen used above in the garlic shrimp video.
Young Green Thai Peppercorns
We just got a new shipment of these, plenty avail. Lovely, exotic peppercorns grow in bunches on little vines 3-4" long (see photos below). The flavor is distinctively black pepper but these are 'baby' vines harvested long before maturity. Mild flavor, you can pick a few berries off the vine and pop them in your mouth along with meat and seafood.
Handmade Thai Machete Cleaver, 12"
Handmade, heavy duty cleavers made by the same company in Ayutthaya for over 70 years without any change in design.
This is very rustic and at the same time a work of art. The heavy steel blade does not look machined and "precision" in any sense. It's entirely pounded and sharpened by hand, and will give you years of use. Ready to sharpen over and over again.
Thai Coconut Milk, All Natural, Aroy-D New Large Box
We have extra volume available - Get $20 discount per case (our lowest price in years) while supplies last.
Aroy-d 1 liter boxes with an easy-open (and close) top for their coconut milk in large boxes.