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ImportFood Authentic Thai Recipes
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Pork in Cabbage Soup

Pork in Cabbage Soup

A clear, healthy soup with beautiful presentation and distinctive Thai flavor & aroma.

The secret to making it delicious is pounding together Thai pepper powdercorriander seed and fresh garlic in a mortar & pestle. This paste has been called "Thai MSG" and you can add it to any soup for good results. See below for the correct proportions.

You may be interested in our Thai Street Vendor Video: Tofu Soup.


For 4 Person(s)


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Method for Pork in Cabbage Soup

Pound the pepper powder, garlic and coriander seed in your mortar and pestle. Add this mixture to the ground pork, add one tablespoon of the thin soy sauce, mix well and let sit.

Add water to large soup pot, bring to a boil. Meanwhile stuff the ground pork into the cabbage as shown. Add cabbage to the water gently, wait until it boils again then add preserved cabbage. Season with salt, soy sauce, sugar and a bit of Thai pepper powder. Serve with cilantro and spring onion as garnish. Enjoy!



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