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Fresh Thai Produce Special / ImportFood

Today it's all about the perfect mix of fresh Thai produce we just got in, ready for express to your door at a great price.  Mama Sitas has a citrus pepper mix we prepared with delicious results, Maggi Europe is back in stock, and our Mae Ploy salad dressings are here again.  Enjoy!  Thanks for visiting.

​NEW: Fresh Produce Special Offer w/Lime Leaves

Put together to reflect the highly desirable items we just received: spicy tiny chilli peppers, super fresh galangal and lemongrass, Thai eggplants and lime leaves.

SEE: Fresh Produce Special Offer w/Lime Leaves

Back in Season: Fresh Thai Eggplants

Quality is very good, we just received today fresh Thai eggplants from California.  Available for a limited time only.  Great price.

SEE: Fresh Thai Eggplants 

Back in Stock: German Maggi

This is highly-sought Maggi for the European market, made in Germany. Packed in a most attractive glass bottle with MAGGI letters embossed on front, and a sophisticated cap that ensures just the right small amount comes out.

SEE: German Maggi

Back in Stock: Spicy Thai Salad Dressing

This was a surprise last year, very popular and we had sold out faster than expected.  Back in stock now, perfect for green salads.

Packed in a glass bottle, these flavors blended together give hints of authentic Thai taste.

SEE: Spicy Thai Salad Dressing

Back in Stock: Vietnamese Lemongrass Salad Dressing

This is a new salad dressing from well-known Mae Ploy brand.

Sour and spicy with a bit of sweet and citrus. Nice flecks of chilli as shown in picture.

SEE: Vietnamese Lemongrass Salad Dressing

Back in Stock: Thai Pineapple Salad Dressing

This is a new salad dressing from well-known Mae Ploy brand. 

The sauce is thin, flavor is a bit sour and has just the right flavor to pour over a fresh green salad. 

SEE: Thai Pineapple Salad Dressing

Flying Lion Fish Sauce - Nice Discount

$5 off for this week only.  Flying Lion is the most expensive fish sauce we offer, the top tier.

According to the manufacturer, it has a smooth flavor and pleasant sweetness. It's definitely a superior product that you can use with the confidence of knowing you paid for and received the best.

SEE: Flying Lion Fish Sauce - Nice Discount

NEW: Citrus Pepper Mix - Mama Sitas

We really enjoy the perfect, unique, sour citrus flavor of this combined with pepper and beef. 

See how we made it quickly at home and the result was way better than expected.

Made by well-known high quality producer Mama Sita's. The package states "A sizzling delight that zooms straight to the middle of the dinner table: chopped meat traditionally flavored with black pepper soy sauce, citrus & chopped onions. In Pampanga, the meat is boiled until very tender before being grilled or fried."

SEE: Citrus Pepper Mix - Mama Sitas

Jasmine Rice Update / ImportFood
November Thai Recipe Update / ImportFood

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