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New Thai Namprik Update / ImportFood

Hello again and welcome back to our humble newsletter update.  We now have two brand new fresh shipments of Namprik (chilli paste) in the most authentic Thai flavors from Mae Pranom. Not something you would likely find anywhere outside of Thailand.  Mae Ploy also has a new Stir Fry Sauce.  It's all featured below:

 NEW: Red Eye (Ta Dang), Mae Pranom Thailand

New product from premium producer Mae Pranom. It says in Thai "Ta Dang" (Ta = eye, Dang = red). This is red eye chili paste with a true Thai flavor.

SEE: Red Eye (Ta Dang)

NEW: Smoked Fish (Pla Yang), Mae Pranom Thailand

New product from premium producer Mae Pranom. It says in Thai "Pla Yang" (pla = fish, yang = grilled). This is smoked fish chili paste with a true Thai flavor that wouldn't usually be found outside of Thailand.

SEE: Smoked Fish (Pla Yang), Mae Pranom Thailand

NEW: Sweet & Sour Stir Fry Sauce, Mae Ploy

Brand new sauce from Mae Ploy, packed in a large glass bottle for generous use.

It's a sweet & sour stir fry sauce with lead flavors from pineapple, tomato and onion. 

SEE: Sweet & Sour Stir Fry Sauce

NEW: Shrimp Flavor Crushed Chilli

In Thai this is called 'Namprik Narok' which means spicy like hell.

Loaded with flavor: a combination of salty and spicy, from dried shrimp and crushed chilli peppers, with a hint of sesame too.

SEE: Shrimp Flavor Crushed Chilli

 Back in Stock: Satay Grill

The most common use of this charcoal grill is satay, in Thailand you can find street vendors selling satay from this grill everywhere. Thais also use it to barbeque toast (may seem odd, but true), hot dogs, bananas, and other creative things.

SEE: Satay Grill

Fresh Thai Basil Update /
Thai Recipe Update / ImportFood

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