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Curried Squid, 'Plamuk Pat Phet'

Curried Squid, 'Plamuk Pat Phet'

This dish is supposed to be hot. However as always you can reduce the heat in cooking it.

Thai eggplants (makheua pro) are a yellowish green fruit the size of a golfball. If you can't get them, then you could substitute common purple aubergine.


For 4 Person(s)


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Method for Curried Squid, 'Plamuk Pat Phet'

Heat a little oil in a wok and stir fry the garlic, then add the curry paste, and stir until aromatic. Add the squid, and stir fry briefly. This cooks very quickly and becomes rubbery if overcooked. You may prefer to lift the wok from the stove to stir in the squid.

Add the remaining ingredients, and stir until the flavors are combined.

As soon as the squid is cooked transfer to a serving dish.

Note: because the squid cooks so quickly, you might prefer to steam the squid and to combine and reduce the other ingredients to form a dipping sauce.

In either case serve with the usual Thai table condiments, as well as sugar and fresh ground ginger.

If you are serving it "dip style", then you could also add a mild satay sauce as a contrasting dip. Those who prefer a hotter dip might also use nam prik narok (literally "the dipping sauce from Hell").




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